Thursday, June 22, 2017

How To Adopt A Child Over 18

but scientists believe the findings will open the door for new treatment options. less than a week from now we will all celebrate thanksgiving

How To Adopt A Child Over 18, but today some local families are already celebrating something they are thankful for. paul: cbs 2's christine lazar

shows us children now have a family. reporter: they already dress the part in their matching mother-daughter outfits. but today a judge made this family official. deion washington is now the proud adoptive mother of

2-year-old maura and 5-year-old maya. i'm elated and i feel blessed. the sisters were born to teenage mother who was homeless and drug-addicted. washington a community college teacher initially stepped in to

temporarily watch the youngest. the baby came into my life at a time that my mother passed away. i thought it was the end of the world and then the baby came and it was like a new lease on life. reporter: maya came to live with her as well in what was supposed

to be a two-week stay turned into two years and today a lifetime commitment. i feel happy. reporter: today the 17th annual national adoption day. more than 230 local children celebrated their adoptions in the children's court in monterey

park. the day is designed to bring awareness and dispel the myths. a lot of people think that only married couples can adopt a child from the foster care system. absolutely not true. another myth is that it costs a

lot of money to adopt a child in the foster care system. there are virtually no cost. reporter: washington is a single mother who didn't think she would ever have children of her own. if you have the room in your hearts and in your home anywhere

dedicated and you want to make a difference this is the thing to do and it's so rewarding. i wouldn't trade it for anything. reporter: is happy today is there is a sobering reminder that for every one child adopted

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