Wednesday, June 14, 2017

How To Address A Letter You Don't Know Who The Recipient Is

how many times have you sent an email and then regretted it!? here are 5 useful email tips that most of us don't practice, but they might be a lifesaver for you! 1. when composing an e-mail, do not add the person's email address

How To Address A Letter You Don't Know Who The Recipient Is, until you have typed and read the entire e-mail. email. this is especially the case if it is a sensitive business-related email or if you are upset with someone. this way, if you accidentally hit the send button your email is not sent!

2. when sending emails to people who don'tknow each other use bcc and not cc. in the email world, cc stands for carbon copy and bcc stands for blind carbon copy. the list the cc'edrecipients is visible to all other recipients of the email whereas the listed pcc recipients isinvisible. emails are private and in some casescontain confidential information that is not available to the public. usebcc whenever you are sending emails to multiple people

we don't know each other or don't workat the same place, so they might know each other'semails. thiis way their email addresses are protected and remain confidential. 3. never "reply all" when you are bcc'd in anemail this is a definite no no! if you are bcc'don an email, it means that the sender didn't want the recipients to know that you'vegot a copy of that email. also the other recipients don't knowthat you're on the email. if you "reply all" to an email that you were bcc'd on, recipients might feel that they

were being lied to because there is a secret and the sender will look bad 4. highlight the important parts of youremail. we get more & more emails every day. if you think your emailis a important and it should be noticed immediately use expressions such as "urgent", "veryimportant" and "important" to the title to get the attention ofthe recipient/however, make sure that you don't do thisfrequently as people will eventually ignore your emails.

also, in the body of your email, highlight its important parts. this way the reader could find thecritical information easily if you are asking multiple people to doa specific task make their names bold or italic so thatthey can easily find out what they need to do. 5. emails can be used asevidence against you so you need to be very careful whensending them. never send an emotionally-charged email! if you're writing email while youupset with the recipient save it as a draft andwait for some time.ideally you will delete the e-mail and will

never send it. instead, talk to the personwho was supposed to receive your email over the phone or a person. this mightreduce many headaches down the road. what are other good email practices that you are aware of? please let us know in the comments. also, please share this video on facebooktwitter and linkedin to make sure that others start writingemails more efficiently!

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