egon zehnder is a global managementconsulting and executive search firm. the last 10 years i've been on the clientside and working on direct client engagements and now moving into a moreinternal role of figuring out what can we be doing with big data. i started thefirm's chicago office. i was based there for three years. i then moved to new yorkfor two and i've been in berlin the last five
How To Address A Letter To Zurich Switzerland, years. we work across 70 offices globallyand we're in every industry and every function, so it's a lot of insights andit's a lot of moving parts, so i'm really working on connecting all of those. it'squite enjoyable because i get to transition into a lot of differenttopics and i get to continuously learn
about a variety of areas that actuallyhad not a lot of grounding in what i studied, but it's through the skillsthat i built in studying arts and letters and being able to transitionbetween a variety of topics which i think have enabled me to make thosetransitions in my career. from a liberal arts education at notre dame you veryquickly learned how to make an argument and see the holes in the argument sothat you could defend those. i've had the opportunity to hire in entry-levelresearchers in chicago, new york, and in berlin, and one key feature that i lookfor in students is there their breath of of education, and often i'm targetingarts and letters majors because i know
they can write well, and they've also hadexposure to a broad number of topics. we deal with every industry, every function,and every geography, so the broader the type of candidate and the type ofstudent we can interview, the better, because they are then able toadapt into a variety of different business contexts and to work with avariety of different companies to help solve their talent needs. it's going tosound clichã© but it's the notre dame family that makes it special. what i've found since moving, especially togermany, is that there's still an alumni family, notonly in europe but also in germany.
regardless of which corner of the earthyou end up in, there's somebody around every corner who you can identify withand share that shared experience of notre dame.
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