Friday, June 9, 2017

How To Address A Letter To Honourable

rebecca sato: hi. i'm rebecca sato with,and we were just talking about how to submit a query letter for, like, a periodical, suchas a newspaper or a magazine article. and let's say you wanted to do a query letterfor a book that you've written. you've written a novel and you're ready to get it out therefor publisher's consideration. so that query is going to be formatted just a little bitdifferently. and actually, if you go online

How To Address A Letter To Honourable, and look around at different samples, everybodyjust does it a little bit differently and that's fine. there's no right or wrong way.the main point is that you get the idea across to the editor that this is going to be anawesome book that people are going to want to read. because all they want to know isthat people are going to want to read this

and buy this and make me a lot of money. that'sall they care about. so i would say there's none but very few editors out there that aren'tgoing to publish something that they don't think is going to sell. so just keep thatin mind when you're writing it, and i'm going to go ahead and just--i've just written thispretend sample query for a novel. so, "dear mrs. dill, i'd like to submit to you "youonly die once," a mainstream thriller. here's the novel's premise. melanie higgins, a juniorattorney at the prestigious new york law firm [sounds like] harper and higgins, discoversthat her boss is winning all of his cases by murdering key witnesses, blah-blah-blah,with the help of her old lover and her new fling, blah-blah-blah. the big case involvesa young girl who is a key witness. will melanie

risk everything to save her life?" okay, ijust made that up. but we'll say that i really [indiscernible] a lot of effort and just startedto write this book. and then you run your credentials. "my credentials for writing thisbook include," and then go ahead and list some credentials. i made up some credentialshere. just to give you an example, "a summer internship at a law firm. three years experienceas a personal assistant to a high-power attorney." you really going to get it if you're in theknow. that you're an expert on this topic. even if it's fiction, that you have somethingto draw from. "fiction reviews from my local newspaper, the greendale tribune, attendanceat the fiction writers of america annual writing contest where my two manuscripts earned second-placeoverall and honorable mention out of 10,000

submissions." basically, whatever you canput on there that makes them go, "hmm, okay, this is a decent writer. they're going tobe able to write something that will sell." and then here's an idea you can just put,"to see this 120,000-word manuscript"--you want to give them an idea of how long theoverall manuscript is--"please check "yes" below and return this letter in the enclosedreply envelope." because the thing is you want to make it easy for them to say yes.and then you'll go ahead and put, "yes, i'd like to see "you only die once."" all theyhave to do is click. see how it is easy. all they have to do is check that, put it in envelopeand hand in to their secretary, and you've already got an invitation. so there you go.and then you can do the, "no, thanks, and

please query." so they can click, "no, thanks."if they want or they can say, "please query," and they'll give a name, a reference at myfirm that says that john doe sent you. and that's it too, because then they'll pass youon someone else that will look at it. and then, of course, it shall include the self-addressedstamped envelope.

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