Friday, June 2, 2017

How To Add Proper Fractions With Different Denominators

- hi. welcome to this questionright here. so we have a negative two over three.let me just re-write that question down right here. subtract a negative five oversix. before we take it to the next step, i want you to see that there's a negativeand a negative, so it means positive, okay? so let's just re-write that downhere and make it into a positive. makes

How To Add Proper Fractions With Different Denominators, the question look a little bit simpler. then, you know you're dealing withfractions, right? you've got a numerator and a denominator. so, if you're going toput them together it has to have a common denominator. so what's a commondenominator between the three and six?

it has to be the lowest one, right? so i'mjust going to bring the work over here. i'm going to re-try it one more time. mycommon denominator is going to be six for both of them. the three over here, timesby two, to the top and bottom. so the work for here is this. i need totimes this number by a two, times that number by a two up top. so what i got isthis. if that three times two is six, then the two times two is negative four,because there's a negative in front of that. so two times two is four. there'salso a negative. the five and six kind of stays the same because, technically, youtimes this by one, you times that by one. so what happened is, you get yourselfstill the five from before,

so that part stays the same. your final answer to this question turnsout to be, again, keep denominator the same, don't change your denominated. butyou would take the negative four, add a five, and that leaves you just a there is your final answer, which is one over six.thanks for watching.

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