sometimes different fractions can have thesame value. 4/8, 2/4, 1/2 - believe it or not, but all of these are the same just can't see it yet because some of these haven't been reduced. reducing a fractionmeans that you divide the numerator and denominator by the same number until they are both assmall as possible. if you cut a pie into 8 slices and you andyour family eat 4 slices, you've eaten 4/8
How To Add Fractions Easily, of the pie. 4 is the largest number that cango into both the numerator and denominator, so divide 4 and 8 by 4 to get 1/2. so, 4/8can be reduced to 1/2.likewise, if you cut a pie into 4 slices andyou give 2 slices toyour neighbor, you have 2/4 of the pie left. 2 is the largest numberthat can go into both the numerator and denominator,
so divide 2 and 4 by 2 to get 1/2. just like4/8, 2/4 can be reduced to 1/2. they can both be reduced to 1/2 because all 3 fractionshave the same value. and these are the basics of reducing fractions.
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