in this video i'm going to show you how to restore your iphone from restore your iphone from itunes you needthe laptop you last synced your iphone with, a usb to iphone cable (also known as a dock connector or lightning cable) and your new iphone. first connect the iphone with the cable toyour computer. now you need to select which backup to restorefrom. the top name listed, is always your most recent backup.the most recent backup here is danny, so that's
How To Activate My Iphone 4s, the one i'm gonna choose.after selecting it, click continue. restoring an iphone from backup contains twostages. the first stage reinstalls your backup file, which includes your settings and all your app user files. the second stage syncs all your apps music,tv shows, podcasts, books and movies back
onto your device.this whole process can take several hours depending on how much is being will need to leave your computer on and will not be able to use your iphone or anythinguntil stage one is complete. only those who have ios 5 installed will beable to use their iphone during stage two. if you just got a new phone, or a replacementfrom apple, then you have ios 5 or above and can use your phone during stage 2. stage one tookabout 30mins for me, but it varies depending on how much needs to be transferred.ok, its looks like stage one is completing. after stage one is complete, your phonemay receive any missed voicemail, email or text messages it received during stage is safe to look and read them during stage
two with ios 5 (or above). its okay during stage two to read text messages, but remember that old content and apps may still be missing, but will automatically reappear during stage two of the restore process.restoring should maintain all your content in your apps, folders, and even the location of the apps on each page on your iphone. after itunes has finished syncing the restoreprocess is complete and your new iphone is ready and should look almost identical toyour old one. thanks for watching. checkout some of my other iphone tutorialsat
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