Tuesday, May 23, 2017

How To Activate Jailbreak Iphone 5s

what's up jailbreakers so today avenuejailbreak tweak for you guys in my opinion is the best and enabling thepeak and pop for older devices and coincidentally it's named picabo prettycool free jailbreak tweak available on the bigboss repo that will give olderdevices like i have an iphone six-plus here the ability to use peak poke acrossthe entire system so this will work in

How To Activate Jailbreak Iphone 5s, like so sorry this will work in yourpictures application and even message applications so it's really cool and theway it enables it just feels like does it right where other tweaks leaguereveal menu and the few others that have come out just seem to conclude showed abit about saying that they're not good

but this one just seems to do it thebest so quickly show you guys here just what i mean by this you have the newer devices when youspeak into a picture i went a little too quick there but we can kind of peak inor we can push a little harder and actually open up the picture completelyand this is working as you can see here you can preview images you can swipe forthe menu there and yeah it's just it works very well it gives the libraryfeedback too and i just think that it's probably the best one that has broughtthe features now it does come with a few options you are able to change thesensitivity you're able to change the

haptic feedback which would be thevibrate on the overruns and then you can actually enable and disable it inmessager there's a little bit of a lag and passengers sometimes so he may run adeleted or may not it just depends mind seems to be working good but when youget a lot of conversations open seems to be when you have the issues so what doyou guys think it's called picabo it's a jailbreak tweak i really like the ideaof it it works really well and we're really good if you guys are usinglike foresee or reveal menu thanks for watching make sure you like this videosubscribe to the channel for more 3d touch jailbreak tweaks and lots of otherthings to see you again

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