Tuesday, May 23, 2017

How To Activate Iphone Yourself

hey whats up youtube so today i want toshow you guys the ios 10 lock screen and a few the notifications and just kind ofhow it looks i'm using an iphone 5 here updated tothe developer preview one and as you can see here i have a test text message itsays press home button to unlock so instead of swiping over to get to yourkeypad you just press the button here

How To Activate Iphone Yourself, and it will show the unlock pad so if you swipe over you can see herethe new widgets and these are customizable you can actually edit thewidgets that are available but you do have to unlock the device i'll show youthat in just a moment here for

notifications and pops up if you don'thave the touch id you just slide over and you'll get an option to clear or youcan reply if you hit the reply it will take you rating to a way toreply right from the lock screen so that's pretty nice i noticed the bubble sticks here insteadof disappearing there so that may be fixed and then it will clear itself justlike it always has so they're not sticky notifications iwish apple what kind of do that so sometimes if i had a buildup ofnotifications on here i'd be more inclined to reply back orsomething if i ignore the text message

so but that may come in later betassliding over to the right side here you can see the camera and to exit that youwould just tap back yet actually can't slide it back now for thenotifications here if we actually go into the device now you can see how youcan actually change the notifications and which are widgets are available sothere's quite a few available here if you wanted to have even the friendfinder stocks and stuff like that that we've had before nearby maps i haven't actually got totry this yet i played with a few of the other ones so we'll just put those inand we can go back and take a look and

you can see here so basically it's kindof like the widgets that we got before but they're a little more like they'rebetter done it just seems like apples put a lot more thought into having thewidgets and we finally get to see widgets on the iphone so when youactually go into the device to when you slide over in the search here or all thewidgets that are configured just like on the lock screen so very cool integrationto ios 10 and that is ios tens lock screen so what do you guys think are youexcited for the change i personally i'm going to miss slidingover and i'm going to do this a lot

going to unlock the device slide it overrealize that that's not taking me to the lock keypad there anyways thanks forwatching make sure you like this video subscribe to the channel for more andwe'll see you again next time pictures

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