hi, this is gary with macmost.com. on today'sepisode let's look at how you can possibly recover files from icloud drive that you havedeleted. now if you use icloud drive, like i do, oneof the things that you may be concerned about is backups. you don't have to worry aboutbackups in terms of disasters because if say you loose your macbook then you know thatall your stuff on icloud drive is safe in
How To Access Icloud Account, the cloud and you can simply sign on anothermac, get a new mac and sign on with that and all your files are there. but you may worry about what happens if youaccidentally delete a file because if you do that not only is it deleted from your currentmachine but it is deleted from icloud which
then deletes it from all the machines youare using. so you accidentally delete something and it's gone. it is kind of the oppositeof doing it outside of icloud where it might be backed up in time machine and you can easilyget that file back. but there is a way to actually get back deletedfiles using icloud drive. so as an example here i'm going to selecta couple of files. let's select this one. it is in my icloud drive under just a folderi've created. let me select this file and this file and i'm going to drag them to thetrash to delete them. it's going to give me the warning that it's going to delete fromother icloud devices as well. let's go in and say let's delete presentation as well.
okay i've deleted these files and they'regone. there is just no way to get them back. they are in my trash here but let's say, let'sbe really daring here, empty the trash and they are completely gone. okay, now how doi get back these files? well if you are a mac user then you reallyshould be using icloud otherwise you are missing out on a lot of great features. if you areusing icloud then you really should check out what's available on the web. because ifyou go to icloud.com and you sign in there, there are a lot of cool things. so here i am in my icloud account and, ofcourse, i am using the same apple id and the same icloud account as i'm signed into insystem preferences on my mac. i've got all
my different apps here and things i can access. under settings, not only do i get informationabout storage and such, but i go to the bottom and i see there are some stuff under advancedincluding restore files. i click on that it will actually bring up a set of controls here,restore files, restore contacts, restore calendars, restore bookmarks. i'm just going to concentrateon restore files right now. sure enough if i look here i see a bunch offiles that i deleted and it tells me how long ago they were deleted. it also tells me i'vegot how many days remaining. it is only going to keep them for thirty days. i can sort bydate deleted, size, name, and i can select one.
so let's select all of these and i'm goingto hit restore. now i can also hit delete if i really want to delete something, saysome sensitive information or something that i can actually clear it out of this kind oficloud trashcan early. but i'm going to hit restore and it will sayrestoring four files and it says done. now back here in the finder under icloud drivei can see it has restored my presentation, i can see that it has restored the files.so i've got my files back even though i deleted them, even though i emptied the trash, i wasable to get my files back thanks to that recovery function of icloud drive.
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