hi, i'm matthew barzun, u.s. ambassador herein the u.k. with another short video explaining answers to commonly-asked questions we gethere at consular. this is a tricky one. let's say you're a journalist for example, and you'vebeen issued a visa for five years, except your british passaport expires in two years.the question is, is my visa still valid even though i have a new passaport. the answeris maybe. the good news, and what you hope
How Old Do You Have To Get A Passport, happened is that your old visa and your oldpassaport is undamaged, clean, still readable, in which case, bring that along with yournew passaport, as long as it has the same nationality, old british passaport with thevisa, still valid, and your new british passaport without the visa. bring them both, everythingwill be okay. the other scenario is your old
passaport got holes punched in it or the cornersclipped off it and the visa was damaged. the bad news here is that visa is no longer validif it's damaged, you're going to have to go apply for a new one. another tricky one ariseswith dual nationals. let's say your valid visa is in your old passaport from this countryand your new passaport is from this country, question is, can you use this visa while travelingon your new passaport from this country. answer is no, you can't. you'll have to apply fora new visa. so, if you've got a question around a still valid visa but an expired passaportremember these three rules.
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