what's up you're watching man vs science, the show where you send me in random science experiments you find on the internet and then i perform them without a hint of scientific knowledge, education, nothing. deathena17 suggested this debacle
How Long To Boil Eggs Vinegar, some of you have mentioned that you did this before in your science class, but not this guy. i don't know what wrong with my science class, we didn't open up frogs, we didn't set things on fire we didn't mix the chemicals and the foam and the volcanoes, none of that *bleep*
sucks.. so, what does happen when you submerge an egg in vinegar? well, apparently this! and that looks pretty cool so i kinda want that to happen. how do i do that? let's find out. i got an empty jar i added two eggs to it, i filled it up with white vinegar, and then placed it in the fridge apparently that's the whole thing. now i'm guessing that there's a bunch of science-y things that happen at this point
i looked it up on wiki, something with calcium ions mixing with acidic acids carbon dioxide...carbonate..protons... pretty much a bunch of ah, microscopic, microbial....microbes. in the form of bubbles they start eating at the shell. they love that *bleep* i pulled it out of the fridge a couple days later upon opening, there was a weird, smelly layer of.. i guess what can only be described as...egg...muck?
at the top, just...egg muck i took out the eggs, they were covering in it, pretty gross. i washed it all off and..well, here you go. this. this is what happens when you put eggs in vinegar. completely void of shell *bleeping* science, right? look at that it's supposed to behave like rubber so it bounces around a bit
i guess that's pretty cool it's squishy definitely in to that however, i'm weary just how far you can take it 'cuz, i just want to squeeze the *bleep* out of it op..oh..alright, well, that didn't last long alright, what else can you do with this thing? apparently in this pin they're holding a light to it so i did that, that's pretty cool.
i guess i used a red light, that was even cooler alright, well that was fun, what next? now, there's another experiment where you can take this egg and you can put it in like corn syrup and like it shrinks it and takes all the water out or something, but i had absolutely no time for any of that, because i have already predetermined the destiny of this egg and it's kinda *bleeped* up i thought to myself, "what does this egg taste like?"
so, i busted out the pan, and served it up for a little breakfast breakfast is served looks good ya know, eggs and bacon thanks what? what just happened? there's something wrong with these eggs um, are they rotten?
oh my god, did you even check the date on them? these are totally the ones we got the other day at the store! no they're not those eggs are not normal lol oh *bleep* xd if you liked this episode be sure to press that like button because once this video gets up to 20,000 likes i'm going to release another episode of man vs. science
it's *bleeping* crazy around here also, if you've seen any awesome science projects out there, let me know about them in the comments below i'll see you around here next time
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